+34 650 62 63 74 // +34 601 98 91 07 jmpescanaval@gmail.com

Legal notice and general conditions of use



In compliance with the duty of information provided in Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) of July 11, The following general information about this website is provided below:

The ownership of this website, pescanaval.com, (hereinafter, Website) is held by: INDESWITTEC S.L., with NIF: B70226352 and registered in: Mercantile Registry of A Coruña with the following registry data: Volume: 66, Folio: 195, Section: 8, Page Registral: 44651, whose representative is: Jose Maria Santiago Fontaiña, and whose data of contact are:

Address: Rúa de Galicia N°122, Floor 1, Right Door, 15960, Ribeira, La Coruña

Contact phone: +34 613 18 01 77

Contact email: jmpescanaval@gmail.com


The object of the conditions:

The Website The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter, Conditions) is to regulate the access and use of the Website. For the purposes of these Conditions, the Website will be understood as: the external appearance of the screen interfaces, both statically and dynamically, that is, the navigation tree; and all the elements integrated both in the screen interfaces and in the navigation tree (hereinafter, Contents) and all those online services or resources that it offers to Users (hereinafter, Services).

Asesoría Pesca Naval reserves the right to modify, at any time, and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website and the Contents and Services that may be included in it. The User acknowledges and accepts that at any time Asesoría Pesca Naval may interrupt, deactivate and/or cancel any of these elements that are integrated into the Website or access to them.

Access to the Website by the User is free and, as a general rule, is free without the User having to provide a consideration to be able to enjoy it, except in relation to the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided. by the access provider contracted by the User.

The use of any of the Contents or Services of the Website may be done through the subscription or prior registration of the User.

The user

The access, navigation and use of the Website, as well as the spaces enabled to interact between the Users, and the User and Asesoría Pesca Naval, such as comments and/or blogging spaces, confers the condition of User, for which All the Conditions established here, as well as their subsequent modifications, are accepted from the moment you start browsing the Website, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding mandatory legal regulations as the case may be. Given the relevance of the foregoing, the User is recommended to read them each time they visit the Website. The Asesoría Pesca Naval Website provides a wide variety of information, services and data. The User assumes his responsibility to make correct use of the Website.

• This responsibility will extend to: A use of the information, Content and/or Services and data offered by Asesoría Pesca Naval without being contrary to the provisions of these Conditions, the Law, morality or public order, or that in any other way may involve injury to the rights of third parties or the proper functioning of the Website.

• The veracity and legality of the information provided by the User in the forms issued by Asesoria Pesca Naval for access to certain Content or Services offered by the Website. In any case, the User will immediately notify Asesoría Pesca Naval about any fact that allows the improper use of the information registered in said forms, such as, but not only, theft, loss, or unauthorized access to identifiers. and/or passwords, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation.

Asesoría Pesca Naval reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate the law, respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, spamming, that attempt against youth or childhood, the order or public security or that, in his opinion, would not be suitable for publication.

In any case, Asesoria Pesca Naval will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by Users through comments or other blogging tools or involvement that may be.

The mere access to this Website does not imply the establishment of any type of commercial relationship between Asesoría Pesca Naval and the User.

The User declares to be of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Conditions. Therefore, this Asesoría Pesca Naval Website is not directed at minors. Naval Fishing Advice declines any responsibility for non-compliance with this requirement.


Asesoría Pesca Naval does not guarantee the continuity, availability and usefulness of the Website, nor of the Contents or Services. Asesoría Pesca Naval will do everything possible for the proper functioning of the Website, however, it is not responsible for or guarantees that access to this Website will not be uninterrupted or that it will be error-free.

Nor is it responsible or guarantees that the content or software that can be accessed through this Website is error-free or causes damage to the User’s computer system (software and hardware). In no case will Asesoría Pesca Naval be responsible for losses, damages or losses of any kind arising from access, navigation and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, those caused to computer systems or those caused by the introduction of a virus.

Asesoría Pesca Naval is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to users due to improper use of this Website. In particular, it is not responsible in any way for drops, interruptions, lack or defect of telecommunications that may occur.


It is reported that the Asesoría Pesca Naval Website makes or may make available to Users link means (such as, among others, links, banners, buttons), directories and search engines that allow Users to access websites owned and/or managed by third parties.

The installation of these links, directories and search engines on the Website is intended to make it easier for Users to search for and access information available on the Internet, without being considered a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit them.

Asesoría Pesca Naval does not offer or market, by itself or through third parties, the products and/or services available on said linked sites. Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of sites other than its property that can be accessed through the links.

Asesoría Pesca Naval in no case will review or control the content of other sites web, nor does it approve, examine or endorse the products and services, contents, files and any other material existing in the aforementioned linked sites.

Asesoría Pesca Naval does not assume any responsibility for damages that may be caused by the access, use, quality or legality of the contents, communications, opinions, products and services of websites not managed by Asesoría Pesca Naval and that are linked in this Website.

The User or third party that makes a hyperlink from a web page of another, different, website to the Asesoría Pesca Naval Website must know that:

The total or partial reproduction of any of the Contents and/or Services of the Website is not permitted without the express authorization of Asesoría Pesca Naval.

Neither is any false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the Asesoría Pesca Naval Website, or its Contents and/or Services, permitted.

With the exception of the hyperlink, the website on which said hyperlink is established will not contain any element of this Website, protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, unless expressly authorized by Asesoría Pesca Naval.

The establishment of the hyperlink will not imply the existence of relations between Asesoría Pesca Naval and the owner of the website from which it is made, nor the Knowledge and acceptance of Asesoría Pesca Naval of the contents, services, activities offered on said website, and vice versa.


Asesoría Pesca Naval by itself or as an assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, as well as the elements contained therein (by way of example and not exhaustive, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.). They will, therefore, be works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, being applicable to them both the Spanish and community regulations in this field, as well as the international treaties related to the matter and signed by Spain.

All rights reserved. Under the provisions of the Property Law Intellectual property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its method of making available, all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of Asesoria Pesca Naval The User undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of Asesoría Pesca Naval.

You can view the elements of the Website or even print, copy and store them on your computer’s hard drive or on any other physical medium as long as it is exclusively for your personal use. The User, however, may not delete, alter, or manipulate any protection device or security system that was installed on the Website.

In the event that the User or third party considers that any of the Contents of the Website supposes a violation of the rights of protection of intellectual property, they must immediately notify Asesoría Pesca Naval through the contact information in the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use.


Asesoría Pesca Naval reserves the right to present civil or criminal actions that it deems necessary for the improper use of the Website and Contents, or for the breach of these Conditions

The relationship between the User and Asesoría Pesca Naval will be governed by current regulations and of application in the Spanish territory. If any dispute arises in connection with the interpretation and/or application of these Conditions, the parties will submit their conflicts to the ordinary jurisdiction submitting to the judges and courts that correspond according to law.

This document of Legal Notice and General Conditions of use of the website has been created online on day 07/06/2022.

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